North Dakota Secretary of State
North Dakota Campaign Finance Online

File Upload Assistance

To upload reportable contributions and expenditures (if necessary) via Excel, tab delimited, or comma delimited files, please organize the data in the manner outlined below.
Spreadsheet Column Data
A * Amount
B * Name Type (Individual or Organization)
C * Last Name (if individual)
D * First Name(s) (if individual)
E * Organization Name (if organization)
F * Transaction Date (date only, e.g., 2/1/2020)
G * Address
H Address 2 e.g., Suite or Apt #
I * City
J * State ID (See list of US states or Canadian provinces)
K * Zip
L * Country (See list of countries )
M * In-Kind Contribution (enter a Yes or No)
N ** Occupation (if individual)
O ** Employer Name
P ** Employer Address
Q Employer Address 2 e.g., Suite or Apt #
R ** Employer City
S ** Employer State ID (See list of US states or Canadian provinces)
T ** Employer Zip
U ** Employer Country ID (See list of countries )
"*" = Required
"**" = Required if amount is equal to or greater than $5000

Note:        The upload process is not available for 48-Hour or Independent Expenditure statements
Contribution Example and Template Files:
Excel: Example Excel File    Template Excel File   
Tab Delimited: Example Tab Delimited File    Template Tab Delimited File   
Right click and select "save link/target as..." to use these files.
Comma Delimited: Example Comma Delimited File    Template Comma Delimited File   
Do Not use commas in any field. (e.g. Address: 120 Front St, Apt 100)
Expenditure Example and Template Files:
Excel: Example Excel File    Template Excel File   
Tab Delimited: Example Tab Delimited File    Template Tab Delimited File   
Right click and select "save link/target as..." to use these files.
Comma Delimited: Example Comma Delimited File    Template Comma Delimited File   
Do Not use commas in any field. (e.g. Address: 120 Front St, Apt 100)
Post-Convention and Year-End-Convention Template Files:
Excel: Template Revenue Excel File    Template Expenditures Excel File
Tab Delimited: Template Revenue Tab Delimited File    Template Expenditures Tab Delimited File
Comma Delimited: Template Revenue Comma Delimited File    Template Expenditures Comma Delimited File