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ND Chamber PAC
Political Action Committee
Registration Date: 1/9/2020
Reporting Year: 2020
Political Action Committee
Committee Information
Agent Information
ND Chamber PAC
Susan Daou
Director of Operations
(701) 222-0929
(701) 222-0929
PO Box 2639 Bismarck, ND 58502
PO Box 2639 Bismarck, ND 58502
Has this committee or organization incorporated solely for the purpose of liability protection?
Election and Year-End Statements
Pre-Primary | 05/07/20 | Pre-Primary | 8093 | 2297 | $11,582.15 | $9,541.37 | $425.00 | $15.78 | $500.00 | $2,950.00 | | False | 0 | 1 |
Pre-General | 09/30/20 | Pre-General | 8487 | 2297 | $11,582.15 | $4,775.04 | $2,516.00 | $144.11 | $7,425.00 | $16,604.00 | | False | 0 | 2 |
Year End | 01/12/21 | Year End | 9179 | 2297 | $11,582.15 | $4,499.98 | $2,948.00 | $1,400.17 | $9,425.00 | $18,055.00 | | False | 0 | 4 |
Selected Statement Details
Indicates an amended transaction. Click to view the original transaction.
Indicates an amended transaction. Click to view the original transaction.
| 8093 | Anderson, Al | Individual | 4904 Southbay Drive SE Mandan, ND 58554 | 04/21/20 | $500.00 | |
| Name | Name Type | Address | Date | Amount | Amended Date |
No child records to display. |
| 8093 | Beadle, Thomas | Individual | PO Box 9352 Fargo, ND 58106 | 04/21/20 | $500.00 | |
| Name | Name Type | Address | Date | Amount | Amended Date |
No child records to display. |
| 8093 | Beltz, Mike | Individual | PO Box 218 Hillsboro, ND 58045 | 04/21/20 | $225.00 | |
| Name | Name Type | Address | Date | Amount | Amended Date |
No child records to display. |
| 8093 | Brandenberg, Mike | Individual | 8044 County Road 34 Edgeley, ND 58433 | 04/21/20 | $500.00 | |
| Name | Name Type | Address | Date | Amount | Amended Date |
No child records to display. |
| 8093 | Elkin, Jay | Individual | 3521 94th Ave SW Taylor, ND 58656 | 04/21/20 | $500.00 | |
| Name | Name Type | Address | Date | Amount | Amended Date |
No child records to display. |
| 8093 | Grueneich, JIm | Individual | 72 E Lake Drive Ellendale, ND 58544 | 04/21/20 | $500.00 | |
| Name | Name Type | Address | Date | Amount | Amended Date |
No child records to display. |
| 8093 | Hagert, Jared | Individual | 948 27th Street NE Emerado, ND 58228 | 04/21/20 | $225.00 | |
| Name | Name Type | Address | Date | Amount | Amended Date |
No child records to display. |